Time Machine issue: not able to activate time machine

What if you always use OS X Time Machine for your backups and find out that restoring doesn’t work as you hoped? I found out recently that the “Activate Time Machine” option didn’t work anymore. It was accessible in the menu, but clicking it did not give a response.

I scoured the internet for a solution, went through all my log files and even did a complete restore (fortunately that still worked!). Still, not being able to restore specific files, I tried a desperate last option: removing the Time Machine backup disk from the selected backup disks in the options, and re-adding it. The good thing is that Time Machine will resume backing up in the same sparse bundle. The best thing is, though, that restoring files from Time Machine works as it should. This problem gave me a lot of head aches and frustration, so I’m very happy I found this solution.

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